about us

Who are we?

Hi! We are John and Roxana, the J and R behind J&R Lands.

We have had a desire for quite a while to own our own business but could never find the right fit. When we were introduced to investing in vacant rural land, it was something we could relate to. We had inherited a rural lot in central Texas we didn’t want, and it would have cost more to sell it than it was worth. So we were stuck paying the taxes year after year.

Our business model focuses on finding people just like us who no longer want the burden of land ownership. They just want to be free of it, so in other words, motivated sellers.

What do we do with the land once we buy it? Well, we sell it of course! But at a discounted price compared to market value.

We live our lives and run our business by the Golden Rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

We look forward to helping you with your land needs.